Why are my player’s shot weak?
Why do their passes go to their parents instead of their teammate?
Why do they keep hitting it with their TOE!?
Ball striking, be it passing or shooting, forms habits. However, if the technique is wrong, then all we are doing is cementing bad habits. Making good habits, requires slowing down and building the technique from the ground up.
If a player forms solid habits of plant foot, approach step, ankle position and follow through while striking with the inside of the foot, then it makes learning other methods of ball striking much easier.
Since, striking the ball with the inside of the foot is the most common way of interacting with a soccer ball, we maximize our potential success right away using our 80/20 principle before moving on to other ball striking techniques.
Phase 7
Offensive Recognition
My player loses the ball 1v1 all the time!
Why does my player’s moves never work?
Recognizing when a move is necessary or when to change direction, is much more important than knowing a million moves.
The defender gives clues hinting as to how to beat them. The quicker the attacker recognizes these clues, the easier it is to beat the defender with greater ease.
Clues are more important than moves!
Phase 7
Ball Protection
My player thinks that if they keep kicking the ball into a crowd they will get through!
Why do my players think they always have to go forward?
The ability to be patient and protect the ball with confidence until a teammate gets open or until the defender over commits is of vital importance. Pressure should not be something to fear, but to exploit with confidence!
Phase 7
Body Position and Receiving
My players are always facing the wrong way when they receive it. Why!?
My players first touch is to far away, or goes into pressure. Why!?
Correctly positioning the body to receive the ball provides information about the game and/or protection from the defender.
Choosing the right surface to receive the ball, can protect the ball from the defender, give the ability to play quickly by facing as far forward as possible and determine how much pressure the player has once receiving it.
Phase 7
Aerial Receiving
Why are they always scared when a ball comes to them out of the air?
Why do they try to bring the ball down with their foot when it is still at their head?
Having the confidence to bring the ball down out of the air, or to stop the ball from bouncing as quickly as possible, allows us to get the ball on the ground, protected and useful once again.